Navigate your career twists and turns

Here are some starting points if you’d like do it yourself, or I offer personal coaching or can suggest other coaches skilled in navigating modern careers.

DIY Career

  • How to navigate your career journey.

    I gave this presentation at the Auckland Women in Tech meetup in 2020. It has insights from my Master’s degree research, and some simple templates to guide you. It includes a section about imposter feelings.

  • What’s different about modern/digital careers?

    How have they changed, how are they evolving? Here are some key insights and research findings from a Masters degree I completed in 2019.

  • Get a picture of your context, skills, experience and goals.

    Look at the Value Framework and the Skills Palette to hone in on what you bring and would like to learn.

  • Advice for career changers and immigrants

    Some ideas for things you can try.

  • Reading.

    I post on Medium about career-related things and in blog posts on LinkedIn.